Meet Our Staff


Rachael Murray

Grant Writer
Hometown: Chesapeake, VA

Rachael comes to Elevate with a passion for the performing arts and social change. With over a decade of experience in the nonprofit theater sector, Rachael has served as a Grant Writer for UP Theater Company, a House Manager for Playwrights Horizons, an Administrative Coordinator for Arts on the Horizon, and a Teaching Artist for the National Children’s Museum. A long-time freelance theater artist, Rachael’s work has appeared on stages in New York, Tennessee, and the greater DC-Metro area. Her work as a director and choreographer has led her to study consent-forward and trauma-informed best practices, which inform many other aspects of her work.

Rachael is currently finishing up her MS in Nonprofit Leadership through the University of Pennsylvania. She previously completed the Executive Program in Arts and Culture Strategy from National Arts Strategies, and a BA in English and Theater Arts from Virginia Tech.

In her spare time, Rachael enjoys live music and the great outdoors. She lives in rural Tennessee with one husband, one dog, two cats, thousands of bees, and a very respectable vegetable garden.

What is your hidden talent?

Whenever I don't feel like grocery shopping, I am a whiz at combining random, disparate ingredients to make a delicious meal. I could go all the way on Chopped.

What punctuation mark would you be and why?

I'll pick the semicolon; there's always more to say!

What is your grammatical pet peeve?

The Oxford comma. Use it, know it, and love it.

What is your favorite way to spend a Sunday afternoon?

It depends on the time of year. When it's sunny out, I like taking my dog to the park.

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