Friends of Guest House

Compared to other companies we considered, Elevate offered the most comprehensive support. I’ve been pleased to see that they’ve delivered on that comprehensive approach! We didn’t want to hire and train someone to work on grants internally, since grant writing is not our expertise. Working with Elevate means we don’t have to worry about that.

Kari Galloway

Not only did Elevate help Imagine LA break the $1M grant funding ceiling for the first time, they are a true partner: actively working with us to achieve new levels of strategy, expertise, and clarity in terms of how we talk and write about our ever-evolving organization — and always in the service of our mission to break the cycle of family poverty and homelessness.

FORMER Community Engagement Director


While we have been working with Elevate for several years, their value to the organization became even more clear when we faced a departure on our internal development team. The continuity, strategic expertise, strong writing, and detailed data tracking that the Elevate team brings to our partnership ensures that our grants program remains steady through this period of transition. Elevate has become central to our mission.

Liz Vogel
Executive Director

The Elevate team regularly goes above and beyond to ensure that Remember Niger is well positioned for foundation support. The team is professional, knowledgeable, and truly cares about the work we do. With their partnership, I know we are pursuing a fundraising strategy that is setting us up for long-term success.

Kara VanderKamp
Executive Director

With Elevate, you get a crew of dedicated, incredibly knowledgeable professionals who become a high-level strategy team for your organization. My conversations with our Elevate team have resulted not only in winning proposals, but also in re-envisioning some of the work that we do in the community to better fit with our own strategic objectives.

Deb Gottesman
Executive Director

When I became the ED of our organization, one of the first decisions I made was to hire Elevate. I spent time researching and vetting grant writers and services. Elevate was not only the most responsive and engaging, but they also proved to be the most economical. The Elevate team has been instrumental in the success of our grants program. The team is very knowledgeable, and working with Elevate has helped me become a better ED with their thoughtful insight.

Donney John
Executive Director