Campaign for Trauma Informed Policy and Practice

From the beginning, Elevate helped me understand the time and steps it would take to grow our grants program to support the growth of our organization. With their consistent support to research and cultivate new funders and develop new ways to talk about our work to philanthropic partners, we’ve seen our hard work pay off in the form of new funder relationships and increased revenue.

Jesse Kohler
Executive Director

Elevate has changed my life as an Executive Director, who was the organization’s principal fundraiser for decades. We experienced continual turnover in the development department, and I was always picking up the pieces. Now, Elevate has helped us cultivate numerous new sources of funding, making it possible for me to focus on securing deep-pocket individual donors.

Rebecca Medrano
Executive Director

When I became the ED of our organization, one of the first decisions I made was to hire Elevate. I spent time researching and vetting grant writers and services. Elevate was not only the most responsive and engaging, but they also proved to be the most economical. The Elevate team has been instrumental in the success of our grants program. The team is very knowledgeable, and working with Elevate has helped me become a better ED with their thoughtful insight.

Donney John
Executive Director